Monday, June 12, 2006

One Happy Birthday (from Mom)


I can’t wait to read Mike all of his birthday messages! If he didn’t feel appreciated before, he most certainly will after hearing your good wishes. (At the moment, I am printing out the 18 pages of comments….)

Here are a few of the highlights from the last 2 days:
>> 95% of Mike’s grafts look good. From 90% yesterday to 95% today – his marks improved just by sleeping! (Apparently sleeping was a method he used frequently at school…so I’ve heard!)
>> They removed the 115 staples from his grafts yesterday (10 more today) which bring his grand total of staples to 167! Mike is very proud of this but then again, he was much more proud of showing off his neck scar when it had the “Frankenstein” staples!
>> Michael has had some sensations in his left foot and ankle. Though we understood that both motor and sensory nerves were damaged, he may still have some sensory nerves. If feeling in his right leg returns, we hope it is AFTER the burns heal!
>> Mike seems to be eating a bit better but still finds sitting in the chair hard on his stomach. Because he no longer feels his torso, he doesn’t seem to feel hungry. Rather, he often feels full, even when he hasn’t eaten for hours. (Thanks, Damien, for the treats you keep stocked in the fridge!)
>> Michael had a family birthday celebration on Sunday afternoon. (Thanks, Julene and Cal for all the food!). Today, the staff spoiled him with balloons and cookies. (Okay, one of the balloons was fairly deflated which Mike quickly made note of but it was the best they could do at 4:00 am! Later in the day, a new one was delivered!!)
>> I am so proud of Michael’s determination and desire to do things on his own. Mike said today how difficult it will be if he can’t type normally (his motor skills are so diminished) but then in his next breath, he simply said he’ll have to find a new way of doing things. We keep saying that it is all just a new “normal”. This year will be spent discovering all of those new things which will now be our “normal”! We have much to learn…


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

I have not left a comment here before but I check this thing most everyday and look for updates. I just wanted to pop in and wish you Happy Birthday! Keep that detrmination up!.... Your in my prayers.......


Anonymous said...

Happy big 19 buddy!

Anonymous said...

happy bday mike


Anonymous said...

Happy 19th Birthday Mike! We are praying for you!

Anonymous said...


I've been praying for you every day! I'm glad to hear that all the surgeries and skin grafts have gone well and are healing. Have a great birthday!

Your sister in Christ,
Mary Krusz

Anonymous said...

Just a Happy Birthday from someone you don't know!!! I have been thinking about you all weekend since I realized it was your birthday today! May the Lord bless you and surprise you and wrap His arms around you.

Barb Fair

Anonymous said...

hey mike, happy birthday. It is great to hear all the good news about your skin grafts. Sorry that I can't make it in to see you tomorrow but I will be there soon.
-Jeff Daniels

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,
Your Auntie Mary told me today is your birthday. Happy Birthday!! We were at their house for dinner to say goodbye to Joni (one of the young women who has been living with the Dickau's). Then Thomas, my husband and I went to the airport to meet our daughter, Emily (who is Thomas's girlfriend) who was returning from Colombia where she was on a delegation with CPT (Christian Peacemaker Teams.)
With the time difference you may be sleeping as I write sleep well and may tomorrow be a good day for you!
Happy Birthday from Vancouver!

Anonymous said...

hey mike
ive been checkin the website and im really glad ur improving and getting better... just wanted to wish u a happy birthday and many more to come
stay postive and determined!

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday from Kent Wa.
We are still praying!!

h said...

happy birthday dude

Anonymous said...

hey Mike...
Happy 19th!
Glad to hear things are looking up. Whenever the "going gets tough", or as tough as it can get for grade 12 (as if hey?), I think about what other people like you are going through. I've been inspired, as many others (obviously) have been by you and what you've accomplished already! Keep on're always in our thoughts. Hi to the family,
Candice U.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Michael(belated) now that it is after midnight. It seems so difficult for me to imagine that you are 19. My most vivid memories of you are as a pre-schooler with such an easy-going personality and sparkling(yet mischevious)eyes. By reading the comments posted by your family and friends it sounds like you are an amazing young man( you probably dislike that term.) Not that I doubted you would be, with the wonderful loving parents and family you have. It is remarkable, though, to hear of your strength and determination, your sense of humor, and your unfailing spirit. I know this coming year will most be filled with a lot of difficulties and challenges, but I hope knowing you are in the prayers of so many, will help.

Leigh Ann, Allan and family.

Anonymous said...

We are still praying for you and Happy Birthday!
The Shewchuk Family

Anonymous said...

Wow Isn't it neat to see the times God gives you to make sure you know you are well loved... What a neat thing to see. Happy Birthday. And perhaps a blessing to be born even if you are in the hosp for it...

Congrats and still prayin for ya
Keep Stong

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike...
It is so good to hear that you are healing, that you continue to face your challenges with determination. That's not surprising, knowing you....
Keep smiling, keep fighting, and we'll keep praying.
Cindy P.

Anonymous said...

Happy 19th Birthday Mike
From Kaitlin, Caitlin, Brittany

Anonymous said...


I am glad to hear that you are making the best of each situation. Keep it up.

P.S. What is normal anyways? LOL


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mike!! Mary and I are friends of you brother Steve (he actually married us last Saturday). We just want you to know that Mary and I and our family are praying for you and your family. Hope you have a great birthday!!

Andrew and Mary Kaniewski

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mike and best wishes as you celebrate life as a 19 year old!
We read your blogspot daily and have been lifting you and your family up in prayer often.
It is obvious that you have impacted the lives of many in your life and continue to do so as you face each day.
Hold fast to the promises Mike. Our God is more than able to carry you through.
Blessings on you and your family,
Dary Skinner

Anonymous said...

Hey I thought you might enjoy this quote, I always liked it
"Normal is only a setting on a washing machine"

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mike!

Nadine A

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

Happy Birthday, and congrats on the staple count (167, is the most I've heard of!) I totally think that God is doing a miracle through you! And about the typing, I heard of tons of ways to still type, just differently.

Prayers to everyone,

Britney in MI
Isaiah 40:31
Proverbs 3:1-2

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,
Yeah!!! - things are happening! We are grateful for every sensation and twinge that you feel and know that God is not finished redeeming this situation yet!! We prayed for nine months before you were born, and after nine months from the accident, we will look and see what has been born in your body, mind and spirit once again. Still praying, and blessing and thanking God for you,
Aunt Mary

Anonymous said...

hey mike
its such an inspriration to hear your moms encouraging messages. you continue to amaze me everyday.
you have so many people who are out there to support you in any and every way possible.
i love your attitude - the way you said u just need to find a new "normal" way of doing things- it really puts things into perspective.
i hope you had a great day - and i hope some food found its way to your stomach!
we're continuing to pray for your fast recovery and continuning determined attitude.

Anonymous said...

this year is gonna bring so much for you. you'll be extraoridnary. have a blast being 19!!! :) God Bless\** peace out

Anonymous said...

Happeee 19th birthday mikey


Anonymous said...

hey 19th man! i know its a bit belated, but hey, better late than never!

Josh Marcellin

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday from Chas and I. I'm going to try to come and see you, i'm not sure when. I have faith in you buddy, and that's hard for me to say, considering that faith is not one of my strong points. I'm proud to say you are my friend, and know that you are fighting as hard as you can. I would expect nothing less.

Your pal,

Anonymous said...

I've never met you, but I often sit a few pews behind your parents in church. One passage in a book which has brought me much comfort reads, in part, as follows:

"The disciples who lived through both days, [Good] Friday and [Easter] Sunday, never doubted God again. They had learned that when God seems most absent he may be closest of all, when God looks most powerless he may be most powerful, when God looks most dead he may be coming back to life. They had learned never to count God out.

...Yet in a real sense we live on Saturday, the day with no name. What the disciples experienced in small scale - three days, in grief over one man who had died on a cross - we now live through on cosmic scale. Human history grinds on, between the time of promise and fulfillment. Can we trust that God can make something holy and beautiful and good out of a world that includes Bosnia and Rwanda, and inner-city ghettoes and jammed prisons in the richest nation on earth? It's Saturday on planet earth; will Sunday ever come?

That dark, Golgothan Friday can only be called Good because of what happened on Easter Sunday, a day which gives a tantalizing clue to the riddle of the universe. Easter opened up a crack in a universe winding down toward entropy and decay, sealing the promise that someday God will enlarge the miracle of Easter to cosmic scale.

It is a good thing to remember that in the cosmic drama, we live out our days on Saturday, the in-between day with no name."

- Philip Yancey, "The Jesus I Never Knew"

Anonymous said...


I read this post at yesterday, went “Wow!” and thought of Michael right away.

However, I know it's relatively easy for us out here to thank God in everything. Our “everything” isn't nearly so difficult as Michael's is now. I don't know how he's doing emotionally, or if it would be a help to him right now, so if you want, you can check it out first and decide. It's the June 12 entry at (It's on a "girls" blog, but hey, it's good anyway!)


Anonymous said...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy

Anonymous said...

happy birthday although i am a day late sry about that

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday michael get better soon

Julia and Vanessa

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike

Yah a belated b'day but hey you are still nineteen so might as well drag out the celebration as long as possible. Time sure flies, everyone else around me seems to be getting older. (I also think you are almost due for your wild bleached spike hairdo again-it's been a few years)
I can't believe what you have gone through this past month. You have battled through some mega surgeries and ordeals that I would have used as whining ammunition for weeks ( even just one of them would have kept me going) You seem to have found that inner strength that has been prepared in you for this exact time. I am so impressed by your spirit. Words just don't cut it,and you may not feel like you are doing anything for others but Mike you are truly a blessing. You have given me such a wake up call in the area of my attitude and reliance on God. I realize you weren't given the choice to face these circumstances, but you sure have risen to the occasion. HOLD YOURSELF UP PROUD. I am so in awe of you and your family and the courage you all seem to have. I know God is showering you with the strength and peace you need but I pray that he continues to give you heaps and heaps more until you have so much that it bubbles out of you with infectious joy. You have touched so many of our lives in ways that quite frankly you will probably never know, but I say thanks. 19 and already you have ministered to people in ways that some don't accomplish in a lifetime. WOW

GOD LOVES YOU MIKE and someday he is going to say WELL DONE MY FAITHFUL SERVANT, and even though you may go through some tough times, I truly believe you will come out on top. I continue to pray for you.

I miss your family like crazy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy 19th Birthday Mike!!!!!!

Nicole St. Jean

Anonymous said...

Amazing what some rest can do for the body and mind! Praying for you Mike, Neil and Brenda.
So glad to hear that you are improving Mike, keep positive, you have a huge number of cheerleaders standing at the sidelines and encouraging you.
Wow, I can't imagine having so many staples. Praise the Lord for your progress to date!! It may be slow, but He isn't finished with you yet.
Our prayers and hugs to you all,
Susan Hawkes

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Mike, from the Wickers in Nebraska!! We are checking your site regularly and praying for you and your family as we do. Wow, probably not where or how you imagined spending your 19th birthday. What a difficult road God has chosen for you. Sounds as though He has uniquely gifted you for this challenge, from all the comments and descriptions of your determined and gungho spirit. "O wondrous love, that will not let me go. I cling to You with all my heart and soul. Yet should my hold . . . ever fail, this wondrous Love, it will not let me go" (sorry, I blanked on the words and cannot find my CD case right now). All the spunk in the world will not see you through your darkest moments, but His love will never let you go--even when our hold fails, His does not. I must get a copy of that song to your mom, if she doesn't know it. Ed and Kerry-Lea Wicker

Anonymous said...

mike i am so glad that things are going much better for you and that you are one the fast road to recovory. take care


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear about the sensation in your leg, and the staples coming out, ( quite a large sum), and your tremendous strong spirit. Still praying for much more good stuff to come your way.
Blessings to you all!
Lawrence, Wanda and Dezi

lou said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
lou said...

HAPPY (very belated) BIRTHDAY MIKE!

WOW nineteen! i haven’t experienced that one myself yet but i hear that it's much different from eighteen. i hope you had an AMAZING DAY! and know that everyone (around the world) is thankful that you were born on monday!
stay strong

south of the 49th
in michigan
><> gina-louise <><

Anonymous said...

Hello Mike,
We too have not left comments before but have been keeping track of your incredible progress through this blog. As your neighbour for such a short time, we feel like you hardly know us, but know that you are in our family's prayers and thoughts. This site has actually been a wonderful way to make a stronger connection to you and your family and to learn more about you. Althought there have been difficult times, your courage, faith and family certainly have provided strength. We wish you continued strength and healing. From the Huts (next door)
Linda, Dave, Chris and Thomas

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike!!
Happy 19!! i know its belated but yeah better late than never!! im glad you are healing and leave it to you to stay so positive through all of this and you need to keep staying strong..we are all very proud of you and you are always in my prayers!! God Bless

Love Lauren

Anonymous said...

Oh, lol i forgot to tell you something Mike..
every computer i seem to go onto in the Library has your website address already in it!!! i guess that should show you how much people care about you if this didn't on trucking!!

Anonymous said...

Hey mike,

Hope you have an awesome birthday!! God is working through you and I know he's planning an amazing year for you and your family (okay, how about all of us)

Be Strong and Courageous,

Anonymous said...

I love progress reports that are progress!!! Keep it up. The strength you all have is amazing. Thanks for doing these updates Brenda. I really hope the unpleasant feelings go away soon

Anonymous said...

well hey there mr.michael!

first of all happy 19th! i hope your birthday was glorius!
also i'm so happy things are slowly getting better for you. your the last person i can think of who would let something like this stop him from doing anything and everything.
stay strong, i think about you every day hoping the skies are a bit brighter for you. i'll come visit you as soon as i can. miss you buster!

janelle....from st.albert :p

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike

Happy (belated) birthday! You are doing very good!! If God is for us, who(what) can be against us??!!!! You just ARE a star!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike.

There's a love thet's freely given,

A love that's much too rare,

It depends not on any circumstance:

It's the love thats always there.

It comes from loving someone totally,

from delighting in who they are inside,

with no demands, nor expectations:

A love that won't subside.

Whether you're shining in your finest hour,

or worn down to a mere shell,

Know that you are truely loved:

with a love you can't dispel.

Have a wonderful day!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

Hope your week is going well with eating, therapy, and all that (Any more stitches out?). Keep pushing through it! People around the globe are cheering for you!

In Christ,

PS- sleeping heals all! lol

Anonymous said...

Hey Barkers, it is so encourageing to read the updates that come so regularly. Know that we continue to pray for all of you and specially for Mike as you redefine what "normal" is. Your courage is admirable and obviously comes from a source beyond yourselves.
You are a regular item for prayer in our young adult group.
Lots of Love and prayers, Jon and Cheryl Dyck

Anonymous said...

M Dawg,

I have heard of a computer program that types for you, copying what you speak. I will have to look more into it.

Glad your birthday was saturated in the faces & company of those dearest to you.

Love your outlook,


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike

Happy B-Day Budddy sorry i didnt write sooner, its great hearing about your success.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike;

It's 530 am and the sun is just rising. How amazing GOD is, I think as I look at the white clouds and the beautiful red sun. Peaceful and quite.
Why things happen may never be known, but GOD is Sovereign and does allow things to happen in our lives that we do not understand.
Know this HE can use all things in a very positive and glorifying way if we let HIM.

Psalm 62 is a delight and I thought you might enjoy this portion. Verses 5-8 say:

My soul, wait silently for GOD alone,
For my expectation is from Him,
He only, is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall not be moved.
In God is my salvation and my glory;
The rock of my strength, and my refuge is in God.
Trust in Him at all times, you people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us. Selah

Another scripture describes a night watchman waiting for the dawn. It speaks about his fear and aprehension at what he cannot see and talks about he joy and relief he feels when the light reveals what was hidden.

God loves you in a special way in spite of what has happened. Know The His heart is always tender toward those who love him.

May His peace and strength surround you in abundance today.